Royal Greenwich Equality and Equity Charter - context is written above.

At Haimo we respect all of our differences within an all-inclusive environment. We create a thriving and safe space in which all individuals and their personal characteristics are recognised and appreciated.

Equality and Diversity is at the core of everything we do and it is our belief and promotion that everyone within our school community is accepted as equal. 

We regularly hold events to celebrate our differences and often host cultural celebrations linked to our local community and the wider world.

Haimo is committed and has signed the Royal Borough of Greenwich Equality and Equity Charter in which everybody counts is a pledge for equality across Royal Greenwich. 

As an organisation we will:

  • actively promote equality
  • work with partners and the community to make our information, services and products more accessible and inclusive
  • put equal opportunity at the heart of our recruitment, employee development and service delivery
  • continually review the diversity of our workforce and ensure it’s representative of our local community across all levels
  • address all allegations of discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation
  • promote good relations between people from different backgrounds
  • share good equality practice with our partners
  • measure and share our progress and success

Royal Greenwich Equality and Equity Charter - context is written above.

At Haimo we respect all of our differences within an all-inclusive environment. We create a thriving and safe space in which all individuals and their personal characteristics are recognised and appreciated.

Equality and Diversity is at the core of everything we do and it is our belief and promotion that everyone within our school community is accepted as equal. 

We regularly hold events to celebrate our differences and often host cultural celebrations linked to our local community and the wider world.

Haimo is committed and has signed the Royal Borough of Greenwich Equality and Equity Charter in which everybody counts is a pledge for equality across Royal Greenwich. 

As an organisation we will:

  • actively promote equality
  • work with partners and the community to make our information, services and products more accessible and inclusive
  • put equal opportunity at the heart of our recruitment, employee development and service delivery
  • continually review the diversity of our workforce and ensure it’s representative of our local community across all levels
  • address all allegations of discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation
  • promote good relations between people from different backgrounds
  • share good equality practice with our partners
  • measure and share our progress and success