Meet the Governors

I am the Chair of Haimo School Governing Body. I became a Local Authority Governor in 2009 and Chair of Governors in 2010. I live in Eltham, and have done since 2001, within walking distance of the school. I am retired. I'm very proud of the work that the Governing Body does and was delighted when we recieved recognition of this via the Governor Mark award. 

I have a real interest in Eltham and in education. Many, many years ago I was a teacher myself and, more recently, an adult numeracy teacher in Bexley. I am passionate about every aspect of Haimo school life and believe that every child matters. My specific areas of responsibility are shown, along with those of other Governors, in the spreadsheet below. I also oversee all of the responsibilities of the members of the Governing Body.  I am always available to discuss your child's education or any aspect of school life with you and you are welcome to contact me through the school office at any time. 

Kind regards,

Michelle Wyer

Chair of Governors


Types of School Governor

Parent governors

Parents, including carers, of pupils are eligible to stand for election as governors. Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. If insufficient parents stand for election, the governing body may appoint parents.

Staff governors

The headteacher is a staff governor by virtue of their office. Other staff, both teaching and support, may become governors as long as they are paid (volunteers do not qualify). Staff governors are elected by the school staff. Any election that is contested must be held by ballot.

Local Authority governors

Local Authorities are encouraged to appoint high-calibre governors to schools that need the most support and to appoint candidates irrespective of any political affiliation or preference. Authorities may appoint minor authority representatives, e.g. district and parish councillors, as authority governors.

Co-opted governors

Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body to represent community interests. They can be individuals who

  • live or work in the community served by the school
  • are committed to the good governance and success of the school even though they do not work or live close to it.

The definition of co-opted governor is wide. People from a business or professional background and minor authority representatives can be appointed as community governors.


Haimo School Governance and Attendance

At Haimo we value all of our differences within an all-inclusive environment. We create a thriving and safe space in which all individuals and their personal characteristics are recognised and appreciated. However, we do not publish diversity information of our individual governors on our website so as to respect their private information. 


Annual Governance Statement
