
Welcome to Year 3 and 4


Knightsbridge Class (Y3) Ms Murray

Richmond Class (Y3) Ms Francis

Hampstead Class (Y4) Ms Turner

Blackfriars Class (Y4) Ms Spira

Years 3 and 4 are looking forward to a great term of learning and we are excited to be learning about our topics. This year our class names are based on tube stations in London. 

Year 3

In Year 3 this term, Knightsbridge and Richmond Class will be learning about what life was like for the Ancient Egyptians in History. In Science, we will be learning about Plants and Light. In RE, we will be looking at Buddha's teachings and Shabbat. We will also be learning about the River Quaggy for Geography. 

We will continue with our sentence stacking for English, our spellings and will be reading and writing a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.

In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, length and perimeter, mass and capacity and fractions. We will be continuing with our times tables with The 99 Club.

Year 4

In Year 4 this term, Hampstead and Blackfriars Class will be learning about our European Neighbours in Geography. In Science, we will be learning about States of Matter and Sound. For RE, we will be learning about Buddha's teachings and Who Jesus was. In History, we will look at what life was like in China during the Shang Dynasty. 

We will continue with our sentence stacking for English, our spellings and will be reading and writing a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.

In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, length and perimeter and fractions and decimals. We will be continuing our work on our times tables with The 99 Club. 

