
Lunch Menu


Meals in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are currently free of charge to all children. For the current academic year (September 2024 to July 2025) meals for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will also free.

Please click the link for a copy of the menu which runs from November 4th 2024 until 4th April 2025 - Autumn/Winter Menu.

Message from Chartwells regarding guidance from the Food Standards Agency regarding mustard products

The Food Standards Agency issued guidance stipulating that certain mustard products had been contaminated with peanuts.  This guidance is still in place and work is ongoing to establish the extent of the contamination.

Upon receiving this warning, we took immediate steps to ensure the safety of your child.  This included serving a restricted menu of whole foods, putting up additional warning signage, while our Vendor Assurance team carried out a full review of our supply chain to ascertain if any products were on the recall list and at risk.

Given that mustard, mustard powder and mustard flour are common ingredients, this remains a fast-moving situation and the Food Standards Agency's investigation is still ongoing.

While this work continues, to provide choice and variety, our specialist medical diet and culinary teams have amended our menu so that it is entirely free from mustard and safe for your child to eat.  

We take the mangement of allergens extremely seriously.  Please rest assured our teams are trained professionals and experts in safe allergen practice. We understand the disruption the Food Standards Agency warning has caused you and your child, and we are very sorry for this.  We will always do everything in our power to ensure that every child receives a safe and nutritious meal.

For further information, please visit the FSA website.