

Haimo expects all children to wear the appropriate uniform. This can be purchased from the school office or from the local shops and supermarkets. As a sustainable school we encourage our children to recycle and so items of second-hand uniform will be available to purchase from the office at a cost of £1 per item.

Our uniform consists of;

·         blue or white polo shirt;

·         black or dark grey skirt, shorts or trousers (no leggings or jogging bottoms);

·         blue check summer dress;

·         blue cardigan or sweatshirt;

·         plain black school shoes or plain black trainers with no white soles, decoration or branding;

·         black, grey or white socks or tights.


Our PE kit comprises of plain blue or white t-shirt, plain blue or white shorts. Black jogging bottoms may be worn in the winter months.


For health and safety reasons we will not allow jewellery apart from small stud earrings. If it is a day that your child is participating in PE lessons they must be removed prior to attending school.


If you wish to order uniform from us please download and complete the following form and return it to the offfice:  uniform order form