Haimo Primary School Values and Ethos
Haimo Primary School is committed to finding solutions and seeking excellence.
Our school’s Ethos is to create a safe and happy school for our whole community in which excellent behaviour allows teaching and learning to take place in order for all of our children to succeed to their highest standards across social, emotional and academic achievement.
We are fully committed to stringent safeguarding and child protection policies and practice.
Aims and Values
- Work in partnership with our children, parents, carers and school community to find solutions and seek excellence in everything we do
- Provide a rich and varied educational experience that is broad, balanced, innovative and creative to inspire a lifelong love of learning in a rapidly changing world
- Recognise each child as an individual building on strengths and overcoming weaknesses
- Present challenging learning experiences in which children can apply their knowledge, skills and understanding with confidence and become self-motivated, risk taking, independent and successful learners
- Have high expectations of behaviour and personal values ensuring children understand and reflect on how their actions impact on others and the environment
- Secure a safe, healthy and stimulating environment in which all children will grow and flourish academically, physically, socially, morally, spiritually and emotionally
- Promote an atmosphere which provides an awareness, understanding and contribution to the needs of the whole school, the local community and the global community
- Respect and celebrate equality of opportunity, difference and diversity in all areas of our school community
- Ensure everyone at Haimo is treated equally and valued regardless of religious belief, age, culture, disability, race, sexual orientation or gender